
Yanhua Mini ACDP Supported All Models DME 1724/1725/172p

I have Yanhua Mini ACDP with Module 2, 3,7,11 authorized, only need to solve the module read and write the code ISN DME. It's open but it doesn't do the job. Says unsupported in all models DME 1724/1725/172p

Look here for screenshots:
yanhua-mini-acdp-unsupported -in-all-models-DME-1724-1725-172p-01 


Yanhua ACDP+Digimaster 3 for Land Rover key programming

Yanhua digimaster3 can program key for Land Rover before 2015 via OBD. Yanhua Mini ACDP with module 9 can program key for Land Rover 2015 - 2018 without dismantling and welding. Therefore, to program all Land Rover (older and newest), you need both.

1. Yanhua digimaster3 covers the following Land Rover before 2015:
EuropeLand RoverFreelander2007- Odometer 080D0WQMemory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverFreeLanderUknsiMemory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverFreeLanderVDOMemory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverMGF Cabrio93CS46Memory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverRange Rover2006Memory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverRange Rover2007Memory DirectlyOBPCluster
EuropeLand RoverRange Rover2010Memory DirectlyOBPCluster
Seeing is believing, look at the following images:
yanhua d3-landrover-key-programming-01